Review of Acquisio’s New Bid Rule Management System
Acquisio’s new rules-based campaign management software is straight-forward, easy to use and goes far and beyond the common ppc bid management tool . It provides handy rules templates, tools to help you manage and monitor effectiveness and a user-friendly wizard to launch rules- all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Targeting the agency crowd, this software is ideal for smaller agencies as much as big e-commerce stores.
Some highlights of Acquisio’s new service:
Get the results you want
The “Campaign Optimizer” is a neat little tool that will definitely impress your client as it shows them what you’re doing and the results they’re getting.
Using sliders, you tell the tool which metrics you want to maximize on and the tool will tell you the best way to get the best results. However, it’s not always practical for expanding campaigns nor does it do everything the bid rule tool does.
Rules will never have looked so good
Clients will appreciate the professional look of the reports and the clarity of results.
Do it once and you’ll never have to do it again
Once you’ve created a rule that is generating desired results, you will never again have to build the rule from scratch. Using the hand copy option, you can copy rules to specific accounts or even inside the same account to use the rule as a basis for a new one.
Runs on content network
The management automation tool can be used on campaigns that run on the content network by setting your rule to apply to an ad group rather than keywords.
Easy to work across multi-engines
No more wasting time assessing multiple search engines, the rules-based campaign management software is highly efficient with the help of the editor tool.
Other cool features
• Simulations allow you to see what would happen if you run the rule right now.
• You can launch rules to run on semi-automatic mode, so that in future, all you need to do is review the changes before approving them.
• Lastly, using Acquisio Expression Builder, you can plug in the action numbers you’ve determined based on the actual metrics in your campaign.
Check out this video for a glimpse of the software:
Find affiliate opportunities with Google AdWords
If you’ve managed a couple big Google AdWords campaign in the past, you can say if you’re good or not at it. Some people catch up how to make money with AdWords really quick and others will lose tons of money without being able to improve their campaign. What I’m gonna say is something that look evident for the most of us but could help some people out there. One of the easiest idea you can implement to make some money is an unbiased review blog/website for products. Whatever the products is, you need to find something you like and that have an affiliate program that pay well. so here is the plan.
Choose a affiliate program
Use CJ or Pepperjam or whatever program you prefer. Find a product where the competition isn’t that hard (avoid mortgage, insurance, financial products well find something original). Find a affiliate program that payout at least 20$ a sale. That a minimum. You don’t want to be forced to have a very high convertion ratio to make decent money. You need a program that allow you to target individual product.
Build a blog/website
Use WordPress or the CMS you prefer and use a nice template. No need to spend a lot/any of money of the template, especially at the beginning. Just make something that is decent looking and doesn’t afraid future customers. After, take some time to write decent reviews of the products. If you don’t like to write content or just not good at it, hire someone to do it for you. You can find some very decent copywriters for cheap those days. Be sure to add a picture of the product and use affiliates links to make some money.
Do a keyword research
Do a keyword research on your products using Google Keyword Tool from AdWords. You want to use the long tail to get cheap trafic that can convert well, using a large group of keywords versus using the keywords with the most traffic.
Start your AdWords campaign
Send this traffic to your blogpost using the best keywords relating to your products. Pause the campaign if you don’t have a convertion after 2x the commission amount. If you are making some money, try to optimise the campaign to become profitable asap. Once the campaign is cleaned, you have a cashcow that gonna bring money everyday, all you have to do is to track the campaign properly and pull the plug if it’s becoming non-profitable.
Interview with Eric Morris from Google
Here is an interview I’ve made with Eric Morris from Google for the french seo blog Go-Referencement.
We’ve decided to put the original version of the interview here, so people can read the original interview.
1) How often do you come across industries or niches where the Google search network is not effective?
I’ve been at Google for nearly six years, and have never come across an industry or niche where Google search marketing is not effective. In my experience, search marketing always works — it’s really a
matter of how well it works compared to other online and offline channels. That being said, effectiveness can vary industry to industry, and marketer to marketer. Give two companies the same keywords, same creative, and same bids, and campaign performance will vary. The search click is an important part of the equation, but other factors like landing page content and design, strength of the marketer’s brand, and criteria for measurement also impact effectiveness.
2) How savvy would you judge large advertising agencies (working with Google) to be? Do you find they have their heads wrapped around the modern world of interactive advertising, or is it often the case that they think too traditionally, perhaps slowing or limiting their ability to take advantage of the medium?
Large ad agencies in Canada are making changes, and quickly. Interactive marketing teams within traditional agencies have more people and resources, and more clout both internally and with clients. These days I’m not seeing many ad campaigns planned from traditional agencies that don’t have an online component. With regard to search, many traditional agencies in Canada have moved toward an in-house search manager, overseeing all search strategy and executions. Traditional agencies have been instrumental in shifting the focus of online marketing from not simply direct response to more traditional marketing objectives such as brand building and awareness, and in understanding the value of online in the context of broader marketing objectives.
3) The news that Quality Score will now include load time as a variable is making the circuit – do you think this is truly relevant in anything other than extreme cases?
Broadly speaking, Google believes that an excellent experience on the advertiser’s site is essential in earning the continued trust of our users. Users value ads that bring them to the information they want as
efficiently as possible. Fast load times benefit advertisers as well, since users are less likely to abandon a site that loads quickly.
4)How much of the ‘optimization’ and fine-tuning of accounts do you do for major advertisers? Do you act more like a full-service agency might, or do you make training a top priority?
Our role with major advertisers has evolved over the last few years. When our Toronto office first opened, we provided full Google support to nearly every advertiser— from keyword selection to creative recommendations and campaign summary reports. For most major companies we work with, their search traffic is simply too important not to have other stakeholders — in-house search managers and/or
agencies — involved in campaign changes, creative testing, and close measurement. As a result, our role has evolved to more of a training or support role — providing the latest industry-specific research, case studies and best practices, and training. Training is important for a couple reasons. First, it empowers marketers and their agencies to do more — and typically, the more you put into your search campaign, the more you get out of it. Training is also embraced by the marketers we work as search engine marketing has become a core online marketing skill and tactic — and can open up new career opportunities within in an organization or elsewhere.
5) With the slow up-take in attracting television and radio advertisers into the Google system, what plans does Google have for the future of these channels? And what channels are you tackling next, and which hold the most potential in your opinion?
Google Print Ads, Google Audio Ads and Google TV Ads are advertising programs
designed to bring new efficiencies and accountability to the buying and selling of traditional media. All three of our offline programs are currently available to United States-based advertisers. However, Google is a global business so we are always looking at how we can scale our programs and add value for users, advertisers, agencies and partners worldwide.
6) Word on the street is that Google recently farmed out its largest Adwords advertisers to a handful of GAAC partners – what motivated this move, and do you feel a more egalitarian approach could have been taken?
Our Google Analytics Authorized Consultants (GAACs) offer tailored professional services to businesses of all sizes, including but not limited to Google AdWords advertisers. Since Google is not a professional services company, we engaged our GAACs to help Google Analytics customers implement the product in the way that makes the most sense for their businesses and their objectives. More information is available on the Google Analytics website:
7) If you have to give one piece of advice to a company starting to use AdWords, what would it be?
I’ll give three pieces of advice:
1) Identify your marketing and search marketing goals: are you looking for website traffic? sales? leads?
2) Measure your results: Google Analytics is a free tool we provide to help you measure which sources of traffic, and which clicks, best achieve your marketing objectives
3) Start broadly: Market more than one product or service. Test different keywords and creative. Ensure bids that rank your ads competitively. Run as targeted a campaign you can, but ensure you also generate volume that produces results and impacts your business.
Eric Morris will be one of the speaker at SES Toronto June 16-18